April 2022
- Posted on
- By John McHenry

WOW- March was a strange month w/ great/bad weather, huh? Let's hope that it gets better!
By now you should've received that "Extra Extra Edition" revealing our fresh new hours...but if you missed it (or thought that we were kidding) here's the scoop:
Effective right now we're here:
Tus-Fri 10-6pm
Sat 10-1pm
Closed (and ridin'!) Sun-Mon.
We're encouraging the ideas of appointments for new bike discussions, fittings, rack installations and large service projects...they're available both during open hours as well as before/after.
Fun Facts about April:
The etymology behind the word “April” comes from the verb “aperire,” which means “to open.” It’s commonly believed that the word refers to the season of trees and flowers begin to “open” or bloom.
April also only had 29 days, but a 30th day was added when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar.
No one is sure how the month ended up with its name, but we do know the Romans named it “Aprillis.”
That's not a bad list - especially when you add April Fool's Day, a buncha cool bike events and just the fact that it's SPRING!!!!!!!
April's gets you going!
GETTING AHOLD OF US (Updated for April):
Here's the deal friends - we're getting there! Events are being scheduled and held, arms are getting jabbed and hope is springing eternal. Now the goal is to keep it real and make your bike goals achievable.
With all that in mind - here are a few ways that we are prepared to help you stay safe and get'cher Bike Shop fix.