June is here
- Posted on
- By John McHenry

Well its June! Is been a wet and strange spring! We hope it gets just warm and not directly into Summer heat! E-Bikes have been the most popular item this Spring. Also I have done a a lot of E-Bike conversions from Electric Bike Technologies and its a great setup from Road to Trike Bikes. Yes, I have done three Trike Conversions so far. I have three Linskey Bikes setup with Campy Ekar Groups and they need a home.
Gazelle E-Bikes are almost gone. But I should be getting more in the next couple of weeks.
June is named after Juno, the Roman Goddess of Marriage (and equivalent to Greek mythology’s Hera and the Celtic region’s ‘ultimate mother’, the Goddess Danu),Her name (Latin Iūnō) comes from the root word for “young” (Iuuen) and goes back to the idea of vital energy and fertility. June is said to be a good month to get a new bike.
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